LGB Drop the Q - Red Mullet at Taco Bell

Описание к видео LGB Drop the Q - Red Mullet at Taco Bell

Several Qs have told me I'm kicked out of the "Queer Community" for jokes I've made. Lots of people have an LGB drop the T movement, but there're loads of trans people who are cool. I think we can do without the Qs, starting with the Red Mullet person who got called "ma'am" at Taco Bell whose pronouns would have to be tattooed on their face for anyone to be sure of.

Note: I'm completely new to YouTube editing, so my bad about this formatting. I'll figure it out next time - just wanted to start making content and learning as I go. I can't only talk about this stuff in person or at live shows anymore. I think gay people need to speak up about the insanity we see before gays and trans people lose important rights and support because of the woke, cult like nonsense that's taken hold. Also my memory was full and cut off the video, but it seemed like a decent stopping point anyway.


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