Samsung tab A10.1 Reprogramacion formatear o hard reset remover password see description T510 T515

Описание к видео Samsung tab A10.1 Reprogramacion formatear o hard reset remover password see description T510 T515

Los pasos son los siguientes
Boton de power y volumen abajo los tienes presionados hasta que se reinicia en ese momento sueltas el volumen de abajo pero sin soltar el power y empiezas a presionar el volumen para arriba y sigues presionando hasta que muestre la pantalla de recovery.

Here are the steps first you are going to keep pressing the power button and the volume down key then When the tablet restart leave the volume bottom down and press volume up keep pressing also the power bottom until you get the factory reset screen there follow the instructions to factory reset.

📍Tablet & Electronics Repair. 5342 w Camelback Rd suite #4 Glendale,az 85301 Phone (602)529-1818 Monday-Saturday 10am-6pm,Sunday 12pm-5pm

📍Tablet & Electronics Repair 4220 West Northern Ave #102 Phoenix,az 85051 (602)935-0504 Monday to Friday 10:00am-7:00pm, Saturday 10:00am-6:00pm, Sunday Closed at this location.

📍1810 West Southern Avenue suite 102 Phoenix.AZ 85041 Monday-Saturday 10:00am to 6:00pm, Sunday 12:00pm to 5:00pm (602)567-3615



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