Shaw AFB Tour| What To Do on Base| What's Nearby Base in Sumter

Описание к видео Shaw AFB Tour| What To Do on Base| What's Nearby Base in Sumter

Here is the link to my travel guide... This guide includes over 300+ things to do and the best foods to eat in: Atlanta, Charlotte, Miami, Las Vegas, LA, New Orleans, Orlando, Baltimore, Houston, Sumter SC, Columbia SC, or even in the the comforts of your home. I started off making these itineraries because it's the worst when you are traveling somewhere and you have no idea where to begin... This is meant to give you a small guide.

There are Facebook groups for every base you go to. For this base the group is called Spouses of Shaw AFB. They also have an uncensored version (Spouses of Shaw AFB uncensored) if you like spicy lol.
#military #spouse #bmt #bootcamp #airforce #basictraining


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