ヒロシマに一番電車が走った The first train ran in Hiroshima 1945

Описание к видео ヒロシマに一番電車が走った The first train ran in Hiroshima 1945


During the Pacific War, teenage girls were working as conductors on Hiroshima tram instead of men who had been called to battle. Yayoi Harukawa, a 15-year-old girl, spends her days attending school classes with her classmates while serving as her conductor. As the air raids on Japanese cities become more intense day by day, Yayoi and the others grow fond of their families who live far away.
Then, at 8:15 on August 6th, 1945, Yayoi was exposed to the atomic bomb while she was going to work in the morning, and loses her mother and her friends, leaving her in despair...

stereo sound
English subtitle

   • 宇宙戦艦ヤマト Space Battleship YAMATO  
   • 機動戦士ガンダム MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM  


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