This Gdynia travel guide is part of Poland travel guide in order to show you the best things to do in Gdynia and the top things to do in Poland.
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Gdynia is a port city in northern Poland. Gdynia, together with nearby Gdańsk and Sopot are often referred as Tricity (pl: Trójmiasto). Gdynia is one of the youngest and most modern cities in Poland. In the early 1900s Gdynia was a little village, but after WW1 and the establishing of the Free City of Gdańsk, the Polish Government decided to build a deep-sea port. Construction began in 1921.
The city rose fast in the 1920s and 1930s, so the architecture and planning reflect European trends of the day - Modernism. The city continues to grow to this day. Today, Gdynia is a modern city with a population of a quarter-million and is the second major Polish port on the Baltic Sea after Gdańsk.
Gdynia is a relatively modern city and one will not find many historical buildings. The oldest building in Gdynia is 13th century St. Michael Archangel's Church in Oksywie. There is also a 17th century neo-Gothic manor house located in the Folwarczna Street in Orłowo. However, what most tourists look for Gdynia deals with its recent past.
In the harbour there are two museum ships anchored, the ORP 0Błyskawica destroyer and the Dar Pomorza Tall Ship frigate. Gdynia is also famous for its numerous examples of early 20th century architecture, especially monumentalism and early functionalism. Recently reconstructed Świętojańska street and Kościuszki square are also worth mentioning. The surrounding hills and the coastline attract many nature lovers.
Leisure pier and cliff-like coastline in Kępa Redłowska as well as the surrounding Reservation Park are also popular. 1.5 kilometres long promenade leads from the marina in the city centre to the beach in Redłowo. Most of Gdynia can be seen from Kamienna Góra (54 metres asl) or a newly built observation point near Chwaszczyno. You can also take hydrofoil or ship trip to Gdańsk Westerplatte, Hel or just see port.
Gdynia is the only city in Poland and one of the few in Europe to pride itself on such long and accessible seashore. You will easily catch great views of the sea, and also find long promenades, beautiful waterfronts, marinas, yacht clubs and great sand beaches.
Plaża Miejska (city beach) is located in the center, next to Gdynia Marina and Bulwar Nadmorski (Seaside Promenade). Plaża w Orłowie is located in Orłowo District, next to beautiful Orłowo cliffs. Reach by SKM Gdynia Orłowo or trolleybus lines 21 and 26. Osada Rybacka (Fishermen Village) is a quite wild beach located in Oksywie district - besides suntanning, you can see beautiful, old fishermen equipment and a funicular for fish transport.
For Sightseeing in Gdynia:
Kamienna Góra with nice panoramic view, also possible to see Hel peninsula.
Cliff and wooden pier in Orłowo. Reach by SKM Gdynia Orłowo or trolleybus lines 21 and 26.
Trójmiejski park krajobrazowy (Tricity Sightseeing Park) - a forest-park surrounding all Tricity, with many sightseeing spots.
Bulwar Nadmorski (Seaside Promenade).
For Nature in Gdynia:
Dąbrowa. A beautiful swamp and lakes area in Dąbrowa district. It has a protected area status.
Maria's Spring. A beautiful spring area with swamps in Wielki Kack district. The spring has its beginning near small chapel.
Kępa Redłowska Natural Reserve. A forest reserve on shore located in Redłów district.
Here are a list of all Gdynia neighborhoods :
Gdynia's dzielnicas include : Babie Doły, Chwarzno-Wiczlino, Chylonia, Cisowa, Dąbrowa, Działki Leśne, Grabówek, Kamienna Góra, Karwiny, Leszczynki, Mały Kack, Obłuże, Oksywie, Orłowo, Pogórze, Pustki Cisowskie-Demptowo, Redłowo, Śródmieście, Wielki Kack, Witomino-Leśniczówka, Witomino-Radiostacja, Wzgórze Św. Maksymiliana .
Gdynia's Osiedles include : Bernadowo, Brzozowa Góra, Chwarzno, Dąbrówka, Demptowo, Dębowa Góra, Fikakowo, Gołębiewo, Kacze Buki, Kolibki, Kolonia Chwaszczyno, Kolonia Rybacka, Krykulec, Marszewo, Międzytorze, Niemotowo, Osada Kolejowa, Osada Rybacka, Osiedle Bernadowo, Port, Pustki Cisowskie, Tasza, Wiczlino, Wielka Rola, Witomino, Wysoka, Zielenisz.
( Gdynia - Poland ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Gdynia . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Gdynia - Poland
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