Early Amiga 500 Restoration & More Fixes

Описание к видео Early Amiga 500 Restoration & More Fixes

I'm continuing work on the very early Amiga 500 from previous videos. I clean the case and keycaps, fix the keyboard and try to repair the disk drive. // Kindly sponsored by my favorite PCB manufacturer PCBWay! https://www.pcbway.com/

The Early Amiga 500 Video Series:
1) Amiga Archeology:    • The earliest Amiga 500 on Record?  
2) Fixing the Main Board:    • Fixing the early Rev 3 Amiga 500  
3) Restoration & more Fixes:    • Early Amiga 500 Restoration & More Fixes  
4) Restoration Progress:    • Early Rev. 3 Amiga 500 Restoration Co...  

Amiga Test Kit Download:

Retrofriends Disk Drive Alignment Video:
   • Amiga 2000 Matsushita JU-363 Floppy D...  

Hi-Tek 725 Key Mechanism Info:

Capacitor List Amiga 500 Rev. 3 Main Board:
2x 3300uF 10V
1x 100uF 16V
6x 47uF 16V
5x 22uF 35V
2x 10uF 10V

0:00 Introduction
2:35 Separating Case Parts
4:18 Disassembling the Keyboard
10:18 Sponsor Message
10:44 Soaking Plastic Parts
11:44 Cleaning Keyboard Assembly
14:28 Keyboard Repair
16:44 Moar Cleaning
21:33 Keyboard Reassembly
23:32 Disk Drive Alignment
44:58 Recapping the Main Board
51:12 Serial Number Sticker Placement
52:14 Reassembly
57:49 Test Run
1:00:00 Thank you & Good night


MUSIC by FOCUS 10 https://focus10music.bandcamp.com

EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS I USE: https://kit.co/janbeta *
MERCHANDISE: https://janbeta.creator-spring.com
MASTODON: https://chaos.social/@janbeta
PATREON:   / janbeta  
KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/janbeta
WEBSITE: https://www.janbeta.net
TWITCH:   / thejanbeta  

YT CHANNEL MEMBERSHIP:    / @janbeta  

Thanks for watching!

This video was sponsored by PCBWay.

Stuff marked with "*" contains affiliate links. You don't pay anything extra and I get a little commission from everything you buy through the links (even if you buy something different there).

#JanBeta #Amiga500 #Amiga #Commodore #RetroComputing #VintageComputing #Restoration #Repair #DiskDrive #HeadAlignment


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