David Row, Al Held, Amy Sillman March 2016

Описание к видео David Row, Al Held, Amy Sillman March 2016

James Kalm has recently been remiss in his self-appointed mission of bringing viewers glimpses of the New York art scene (especially Chelsea), so… When other business took him to the West Side he turned on the camera, and captured some footage of three outstanding painting shows. We'll start with "Four Decades of Painting" by David Row at Loretta Howard. David has been a fixture in the abstract paining scene since the mid 1970s. This show presents the breadth of variation he's explored within this genre. Then it's on to Cheim & Reid for "Al Held Black and White Paintings 1967-1969. Held had taught Row at Yale, and this period of reductive design established Held as one of America's most influential painters. We trot around the last lap of this triple header with a visit to Amy Sillman "Stuff Change" at Sikkema Jenkins & Co.. Sillman, as an example of contemporary painting in New York, is a fitting conclusion. This exhibition contains a selection of recent major painting, a gallery filling installation of digital printed and painted canvases, and many examples of the artist's works on paper. A musical introduction is provided by the Meetles and Eric Paulson Ensemble, This program was recorded March 9, 2016.


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