Introduction to Financial Services: The Regulatory Framework

Описание к видео Introduction to Financial Services: The Regulatory Framework

Introduction to Financial Services: The #Regulatory #Framework.

This In Focus provides a brief #introduction to the federal agencies that regulate U.S. #financial #markets. For more detail, see CRS Report R44918, Who Regulates Whom? An Overview of the U.S. Financial Regulatory Framework, by Marc Labonte.

The #Financial #System,
The #Financial #Regulatory #Framework,
#Depository #regulators,
#Securities #markets regulators,
#Government-sponsored #enterprise (#GSE) regulators,
#Consumer #protection #regulator,
#Regulatory #Fragmentation,

#Federal #Reserve (#FED),
#Office of the #Comptroller of the #Currency (#OCC),
#Federal #Deposit #Insurance #Corporation (#FDIC),
#National #Credit #Union #Administration (#NCUA),
#Securities and #Exchange #Commission (#SEC),
#Commodity #Futures #Trading #Commission (#CFTC),
#Federal #Housing #Finance #Agency (#FHFA),
#Farm #Credit #Administration (#FCA),
#Consumer #Financial #Protection #Bureau (#CFPB),


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