10 Fun Facts About Chocolate

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In this video I share with you 10 Fun Facts About Chocolate! I hope that all of you enjoyed the video and learned something new as well.

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════════════════════ 10 Fun Facts About Chocolate ══════════════════════

1. White Chocolate isn't technically Chocolate, as it contains no cocoa solids or cocoa liquor.

2. It takes approximately 400 cacao beans to make one pound (450 gr.) of chocolate.

3. The inventor of the Chocolate Chip Cookie sold the idea to Nestle in return for a lifetime supply of chocolate.

4. M&Ms were created in 1941 as a means for soldiers to enjoy chocolate without it melting.

5. The World's Largest Chocolate Bar Weighed 5,792 kg (12,770 lb).

6. Africa grows 68% of the world’s cocoa and Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) alone produces 33% of the world’s supply.

7. In fact, chocolate was consumed as a liquid, not a solid, for 90% of its history.

8. In 2013, Belgium issued a limited edition of chocolate flavored stamps.

9. The first chocolate bar was invented in 1847 by Joseph Fry.

10. There are Potato Chips Dipped in Milk Chocolate.


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