PCI and MDA - Getting More from SAR Imagery

Описание к видео PCI and MDA - Getting More from SAR Imagery

Working with RADARSAT imagery has never been easier through the use of PCI’s Geomatica software suite. Whether you are conducting polarimetric analysis and research, change detection, ship detection, oil slick detection or looking to extract other information from Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery, Geomatica together with RADARSAT imagery provides a powerful combination.

In this one-hour webinar, PCI Geomatics and MDA Geospatial experts will:

-Provide an overview of imagery selection for RADARSAT based on application requirements

-Demonstrate how to work with imagery in Geomatica, including typical workflow/considerations with different imagery products

-Illustrate sample workflows that can be implemented through step-by-step processing and automation for different applications (change detection, polarimetric analysis, and other applications)

MDA Geospatial Services and PCI Geomatics have teamed up to provide PCI users access to archive RADARSAT imagery at a reduced rate. Join us to find out how you can leverage a current offer for reduced pricing on Archive imagery for RADARSAT, up to 60% of list price to make operational use of SAR Imagery.


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