EASY BLOOD DK Guide for Beginners of WoW | Dragonflight 10.0.5

Описание к видео EASY BLOOD DK Guide for Beginners of WoW | Dragonflight 10.0.5

Learn to tank as BLOOD Death Knight in World of Warcraft Dragonflight 10.0.5 - it is MORE FUN than I thought it will be!

This Blood DK Tanking Guide will explain Blood DK defensive mechanics, key abilities, Blood DK Talents and basic Tanking Build that you could start with until you've learned more and had a chance to perfect your tanking build further for Mythic+ dungeons or organised raiding.


00:00 - Intro
00:55 - Blood DK Defences
01:50 - Key Abilities and Talents
05:45 - THE BEST Ability Ever!
06:45 - Bone Shield is a priority
07:40 - Spikes of Damage
08:40 - Not THAT slow!
09:40 - DK are ENJOYABLE!
10:20 - Blood Shield mention
11:10 - WeakAuras and UI
14:30 - Final thoughts

🚩 My UI and useful Macros:

Firstly, thank you to one of the viewers who contributed this awesome Death and Decay macro (put "hash" in front of showtooltip - I can't use hash here on YouTube):

showtooltip Death and Decay
/cast [mod:ctrl, @cursor] Death and Decay; [@player] Death and Decay

🚩 The "NON-PRO" (lol...🙄) Easy Beginners build I use:


🚩 My Basic Melee UI Import string 👉 https://pastebin.com/QMX38uiK

🚩 My Blood DK WeakAura import 👉 https://wago.io/wxYi2coDA

Enjoy! 😊👌

#dragonflight #worldofwarcraft #wow


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