Lomshini Uyakhuluma! Woza Africa- iStokvel

Описание к видео Lomshini Uyakhuluma! Woza Africa- iStokvel

Fill out the table!! Count the empties!!!!
Ngibonisen omuny'umuzi futh futh onotywala
** [show me / take to next sheeben (local tavern) again]
Hay mina ngiyofele tywaleni kwenzenjani,
** [I'll die at the shebeen]

Wamnandi bhiya, inga bakuxova ngani, (wamnandi !!)
Wamnandi mqombothi, Inga bakunyova waze (wamnand'!!)
[Beer taste good,I wonder what they used to make it
*Bhiya - beer , mqombothi - traditional beer*]

Yini le zi Nca Nca Nca! lomshini uyakhuluma (madoda!)
Yini le ethi Nca Nca Nca, lomshini uyakhuluma (ngathiStokvela!)
** ["hear that nca nca nca??! The Machine is talking!"]
Lomshini;machine, khuluma;talking
(Describin the jukebox sound maybe?)

A Stokvel is "a type of credit union, or communal savings group, in which a group of
people enter into an agreement to contribute a fixed amount of money to a common pool weekly, fortnightly or monthly, to be drawn in rotation according to the rules of the particular stokvel". (from A.K. Lukhele, "Stokvels in South Africa: Informal Savings Schemes by Blacks for the Black Community," Amagi Books, Johannesburg, 1990, p. 1.)
Some of these communal savings clubs throw occasional parties for members and their famlies/guests with small portions of their collective savings, While some iStokvel collectives focus on throwing regular parties as income-generating public events, charging for admission, food and drinks, and sharing the profits amongst members.


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