Volca Drum: Episode 5 (Noise and More)

Описание к видео Volca Drum: Episode 5 (Noise and More)

This is the fifth video in my Volca Drum series (over 3 hours in all). After a brief digression (re: Episode 4) I get back to sound design and use the things we've learned in the first four videos to get new sounds. The first couple of sections are noise related. The last half of the video relates to what I call "hypertempo" sounds (made by cranking the tempo way up). As for HEADPHONES? A lot of this video will benefit from headphones, but keep a volume control handy. It has been kind of a challenge to figure out levels/mixes for this video when the timbres, etc. are shifting around rapidly and extremely. Thanks for watching!


00:00 I've figured out some things about trapping sounds in the resonator effect since the last video. I feel like trying to keep parameter continuity when switching models helps but it may not be the main thing. Generally, if you trap a sound in the resonator (i.e. no more part hits happening) at low tuning, then going to high tuning seems to thin out the stored contents. Most importantly, for tuning below 24 (see last video), if you drop the tempo below about 35 bpm it needs to be brief. So, a glitch from going to min tempo (10 bpm) and back up to like 40 bpm will persist - but if you leave tempo at 10 bpm the stored sounds just go away.

01:11 INTRO - demo of a very unusual sequence. leave a comment if you want the exact setup.

05:34 Timescales - brief discussion before things get a little messy.

07:20 Using Noise as a Source

09:00 Motion-Sequence (and Parameter Locking) Noise Sweeps. Very akin to LFO. I fricked up the motion sequence recording, but it IS reasonably easy to do. Just make a loop without abrupt step transitions.

12:00 Modulating Noise

13:35 Random Modulation. I figured this out by reverse-engineering a part that the Volca Drum itself randomly generated. Seems kind of meta. This makes nice random notes; sort of a sample and hold thing.

16:00 Making a sequence, using slices and the resonator

20:00 Hypertempo Basics

23:00 Adding Slices, kind of a square-wave LFO effect

25:00 Motion Sequencing the Pitch

26:20 Playing the result with Step Jump


29:16 Hypertempo with Modulation: I forgot to do it, but you can have different modulations on each layer.

32:57 Adding the Resonator

35:00 Glitching the Resonator Tuning.

37:00 OUTRO - At 1K subscribers!

39:11 ENDER - Some hands-on science with beat frequencies. These are interference patterns (in time). So, where does the pattern form? In the electronics? In the air? In our own hearing? Shows how different listening to things in headphones vs. phone speaker vs. stereo speakers can be. Program 7's effect works anywhere. Program 8's effect is pronounced in stereo speakers if you back away (and even use one ear), works with a mono speaker (phone), but not headphones. ASMR vibes.


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