This Video is for people who wants to buy the Nokia 7 Plus device
This video has complete settings overview with a new android 8 features
New Nokia 7.1 Plus is right around the corner
people who are planning to buy can think about it
Settings Walkthrough Full Description | Nokia 7 Plus | 8.1 Oreo
1)search settings option
2)Settings suggestions
3)Network & Internet
Wifi | Mobile Network | Data Usage | Hotspot and Tethering | SIM Cards | VPN | Aeroplane Mode
4)Connected Devices
Bluetooth | Cast | NFC , Android Beam | Printing | USB
5)_Apps & Notifications
Recently Opened apps. See all apps
Notifications, Notification (dots, sound, fingerprint gesture)
App permissions
Default apps
Emergency alerts -
Special App Access - find categories of settings for which certain apps have given permissions or not
Info such as last full charge & Screen usage stats | Advanced Battery usage
Power Management | Battery Saver, Background Activity Manager, Battery Perentage, Adaptive Brightness, Sleep, Ambient Display
Full Device/App usage since full charge
Brightness Level, Wallpaper, Auto Rotate Screen
Font Size, Display Size, Screen Saver
Night Light
Tap to wake
Adaptive Brightness, Sleep, Ambient Display (Also in Battery settings)
Media | Alarm | Ring
Also vibrate for calls
Do not Disturb preferences
Phone Ringtone, Notification Sound, Alarm Sound
Dial Pad tones, Screen Locking Sounds, Touch Sounds, Vibrate on Tap
Emergency alerts (also in apps & notifications)
Device Storage
Storage Manager options, in built file manager
Portable Storage
10)Security & Location
Security Status | Google Play Protect, Find my Device, Security Update
Device Security | Screen Lock options, Lock Screen Preferences, FIngerprints, Smart Lock
Privacy | Locations, Show Passwords
Device admin apps
SIM card lock
Encryption and Credentials
Trust agents
Screen Pinning
Apps with usage access
11)Users and Accounts
Users | Admin, Guest accounts, Add user
Other Accounts
Emergency info
Automatically sync data
Add users from lock screen
Volume Key Shortcut
Screen readers | Select to Speak, Talk back , Text to Speech output
Display | Font size, Display SIze, Magnification, Colour Correction, Colour inversion, Large mouse cursor • Android Accessibility Large Mouse Poi...
Interaction Controls |
Switch Access • Switch Access for Android ,
Click after cursor stops moving
-Power button ends calls
Auto rotate screen
touch and hold delay
Audio on Screen text
mono audio, captions
• What is mono audio??How to use it to ...
Experimental | High contrast text
13)Google | Services and Preferences
i might do a seperate video on this section
Languages and Input
Languages | Default and you can add more
Keyboard & Inputs | Virtual Keyboard, Physical keyboard (via otg)
Input Assistance | Spell checker, Autofill Service, Personal Dictionary
Pointer Speed
Text to speech output
Turn over to reject call, Mute on pickup, swipe finger for notification, jump to camera, lift to check phone
Date and TIme
System Update
reset options
About phone
User Experience Program, Easter egg , info etc..
Developer options
System UI Tuner
features of android 8
Autofill - with your permission
smart select
split screen is better
picture in picture mode
notification dots, revamped notification shortcuts, control over notifications , persistant notifications(getting smaller)
snooze notifications
android instant apps | enable in google settings
google play protect
better battery life and battery management
more emojii's added
faster boot time
turn wifi automatically
better bluetooth audio connections
more colours
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