The 'Technopolitics' of Cody Wilson

Описание к видео The 'Technopolitics' of Cody Wilson

What does Cody Wilson—the founder of Defense Distributed, the company responsible for the world's first 3D-printed gun—really want? And how close is he to achieving it? That's the subject of filmmaker Jessica Solce's new feature documentary Death Athletic: A Dissident Architecture, which is available for purchase here:

Full texts and links:

Solce followed Wilson for seven years as he grew the world's most famous DIY gun company, prevented multiple lawsuits from shutting it down, faced his own personal legal troubles around a sex case, and established himself as the leading voice and practitioner of crypto-anarchism.

Interview by Zach Weissmueller; edited by Regan Taylor; and sound editing by Ian Keyser.

Photo Credit: CHUCK KENNEDY/MCT/Newscom; Defense Distributed.
Music Credit: "That Sound," by Oliver Michael via Artlist.


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