FFRK JP - Magicite Dungeon (Dark Odin, Poison Vulnerable): Master Clear AUTO

Описание к видео FFRK JP - Magicite Dungeon (Dark Odin, Poison Vulnerable): Master Clear AUTO

02:38 - 08:28 D500

Poison-weak variant does not bring any rewards like in Global. The team is mixed as Argent Odin will not have split damage type fights for poison, and it is mostly magic (Quistis, Kefka and Ultros), with Edgar bringing his CSB+ as the initial chain and additional imperil afterwards. I chose Fina as the healer for the team and wasn't included in any other auto teams yet. I lensed her Sync which gives the party a double dual blink on entry. The blinks will tank the phase 1's multi status attack from Dark Odin, saving the party members in the center from a KO as well. After that, Quistis and Ultros deal most of the damage with their ZSB.


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