Colony Wars All Videos Sequences and Endings

Описание к видео Colony Wars All Videos Sequences and Endings

Thought I should add this to my list considering the game has multiple endings that are not seen unless you lose.
(I always thought the voice actor was Jame Earl Jones)
The voice actor is not James Earl Jones it is a person by the name of Burt Caesar.
see -

The League can be destroyed in Diomedes if the player loses any Act in that system.
If defeated in Alpha Centauri, the League is betrayed by The Faction (a breakaway group of former League members). The colonies are then enslaved and strip-mined by the Empire.
If defeated in the Sol System, the League is forced to retreat, sealing the Sol Warp Hole behind them and effectively imprisoning the Earth Empire and hundreds of billions of people within the barren and sterile Sol System, long devoid of resources. This is the canon ending to the game (despite being a "Bad" ending), as the sequel, Colony Wars: Vengeance, is set 100 years after the League collapsed the Sol Warp Hole.
If victorious in Alpha Centauri, the League and the Empire reach a tactical stalemate. With both sides realising that neither could ever truly destroy the other, they make peace after the destruction of The Faction. The League gains independence, but agrees to support the Earth Empire and the preservation of the Sol System in tribute to its status as the birthplace of the human species, thus both the League and Navy reach an advantageous compromise.
If victorious in Sol, the Tsar and his Earth Empire are entirely destroyed, beginning a new age of peace and freedom for humanity.

There is also a "Secret" ending to the game, which is identical to Ending 5 (the defeat of the Earth Empire in Sol). However, it ends with a large, mysterious vessel casting an ominous shadow across the surface of Earth - suggesting the arrival of an alien race.

(Although Wiki states that this ending is secret all you have to do to get it is beat the game without losing any missions or lose at least one mission beat the game then select the final ending at the mission log screen.)


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