AtGames Legends Gamer Mini Console Part 2 - Disassembling the $50 "Arcade" joystick

Описание к видео AtGames Legends Gamer Mini Console Part 2 - Disassembling the $50 "Arcade" joystick

Let's see of we can get this thing apart, and see what's inside.

Couldn't find many details on the board, it seems to be a proprietary design specifically for these units. Definitely not just one of the generic usb converter boards from AliEx (makes sense as this one has to connect via Bluetooth to the hub). The chip on it seems to be some sort of MCU chip possibly this one or some version of it:
Joysticks do appear to be (probably knock off) Sanwa joysticks, of which there are a ton of listings on AliExpress.
At least it seems that the stick/buttons/switches should be relatively easy to replace if anything goes bad.
It does seem to be a pretty well made product though, seems like it will hold up pretty well.

More details at

These appear to be sold out now online, but they may be available for store pick up if there are any in stock (Check local listings)

Full Size Version (99.99 USD down from 229.99 USD)

Standard disclaimer: For informational purposes only. Not a sponsored video. All items in these videos were (stupidly) purchased by the host, and he has not received any sort of compensation for presenting this information. The opinions in this video are of the host, and his opinions alone. Your mileage may vary. Not responsible for accidents. Not liable for damage to your consoles, your self, your family, your pets, your neighbors, your property, or your great grandmama who had a coronary cause she love my content a little too much. No warranties are expressed or implied in this or any universe, except for those universes where expression of warranty is required by the hive queen (in which case, all glory to the hive queen) Don't try this at home. Don't try this in someone else's home. Don't try this at the Home Depot, cause people will look at you all funny and wonder what in the hell that crazy person is doing (ask me how I know).
Tl;dr- Ignore this video and go eat a taco instead. Mmm, taco...


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