Lesson 25 - The Serial Monitor Input

Описание к видео Lesson 25 - The Serial Monitor Input

The Serial Monitor's Input. This is Elegoo’s official lesson covering the serial monitor’s input feature. We’ll demonstrate the Elegoo sketch provided in the tutorial covering the serial monitor. A beginner's guide to the Most Complete Starter Kit by Elegoo.

Hello everyone, I'm Rick the Tech Enthusiast here with the next Elegoo Lesson. This is the next lesson on my Arduino UNO Series covering the Most Complete Starter Kit by Elegoo. I try to follow the included tutorial and will point out any changes or corrections as I find them.

As mentioned before, I purchased this Elegoo starter kit and Elegoo isn't sponsoring me. I just thought it would be fun to do a video of each Lesson as I was learning the Arduino environment.

We’ll re-use the circuit from Lesson 24. I’ll list the items below. In this lesson we’re going to check out the input feature for the serial monitor using the shift register circuit and LEDs from the previous lesson. I hope you enjoy it.

Parts you’ll need for the Elegoo tutorial:
Elegoo Uno R3 board
74HC595 shift register IC
8 LEDS, 2 blue, 2 yellow, 2 red, and 2 green
8 220-ohm resistors
The breadboard
A bunch of male-to-male jumper wires (about 13 or so).

The next lesson will be Lesson 26: Photocell

This lesson's sketch was Elegoo's unmodified version. Previous lessons' modified sketches and associated drawings can be found at [Github](https://github.com/rmorenojr/ElegooTu...)

Various Parts can be found: (Note these are Amazon Associates links)
(Full Disclosure: I get a little credit/$ if you purchase a linked item.)
74HC595 8-Bit Shift Register with Output Latching, DIP 16, Cascadable (Pack of 10): https://amzn.to/2O9RFbO
Elenco 350 Piece Pre-formed Jumper Wire Kit on Amazon : https://amzn.to/2z6sCCw
Logitech M510 Wireless Mouse on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2z4FF7F
Elegoo EL-KIT-001 UNO R3 Project Complete Starter Kit with Tutorial for Arduino (63 Items) on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2KxZ8mA
Elegoo’s web site https://www.elegoo.com/ https://www.elegoo.com/product/elegoo...

Fritzing Software: http://fritzing.org/download/
Arduino Language Reference (English): https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/
ASCII chart: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/A...
Arduino bitset https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/l...
Arduino shiftout https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/l...

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♫♪ Credits ♪♫
Royalty Free Music from HookSounds.com, by artist Rodrigo Vicente - [FutureBass_Full](http://www.hooksounds.com)

This is another video for my Arduino tutorial series. If you like the series, be sure to rate and subscribe.

Thanks for watching


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