Aterial Plaque vs. Dental Plaque / Jennifer Varga, NP-C

Описание к видео Aterial Plaque vs. Dental Plaque / Jennifer Varga, NP-C

Plaque is a buildup of cholesterol inside the wall of blood vessels. After years, plaque can become calcified and hard. It may also rupture. If this happens, a blood clot may form on the plaque and block blood flow, potentially causing a heart attack or stroke. The building up of plaque and hardening of the arteries is known as atherosclerosis.

In this video, Jennifer Varga, NP-C, from Henrico Cardiology Associates, discusses the difference between arterial and dental plaque, what arterial plaque can do to your circulatory system, and how to mitigate your risks of build-up.

For more information, contact Henrico Cardiology Associates at 804-288-0134 or visit


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