Vainglory Taka Best Build/Guide

Описание к видео Vainglory Taka Best Build/Guide

So in this video I'm showing you the greatsest build for taka in my opinion! :)

Link to full build:

LInk to Taka gameplay:
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(Day One Taka Exploration
By: PlayoffBeard )

Kaiten max first
Kaku second
X-Retsu as fast as possible

Tension Bow Taka's first strike will often decide the outcome of a fight. Layering Tension Bow's proc damage on top of a critical strike makes him that much more lethal.

Clockwork I use Kaku primarily as a tool to keep my Ki stacks at five. I watch the dial in the lower-left and whenever it is about to expire, I drop the smoke bomb and then try to make the most of my invisibility and move speed. That might mean ganking lane, but it often means a quick jungle invade for more farm. Without both an Energy Battery and Clockwork , it's difficult to keep up this strategy.

Tornado Trigger It's strange to combine Tension Bow with Tornado Trigger, but Taka just feels much better in jungle after securing at least the Blazing Salvo . Take this to the full Trigger and you feel that much more dangerous in fights.

Aftershock Combined with Tension Bow, that first strike will floor the enemy.

Tyrant's Monocle Every critical strike grants 1 Ki stack, and every stack of Ki increases the frequency of critical strikes. That's what makes the CRIT-TAKA build so scary.

Travel Boots I'm extremely aggressive with counterjungling, so I like a little extra move speed. But if you feel fast enough with the smoke bomb move speed buff, then take your Energy Battery to a Frostburn or Eve of Harvest instead of selling it off to make room for a sixth item in the late game.

Situational defense: Taka is fragile. You can't afford to ignore enemy builds on the Scoreboard. If you see an "all blue" or "all red" enemy team, adapt. In general, Crucible is nice because it gives you an additional window of relative safety after emerging from your smoke cloud.


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