God’s Faithfulness in my Radical Life Change // Dudu Mkhize

Описание к видео God’s Faithfulness in my Radical Life Change // Dudu Mkhize

"I took a decision of going to Bible College. So my brother, when he was 2 years old, he was diagnosed with Polio and he can't walk as of today. He is also mentally challenged. His condition was like that even while our parents were still alive. And so they would get people who would come and take care of him and they would pay them. But now, when they died all things changed.

The Greatest Challenge of my Life

So, now it was just me and my brother and I had to be responsible as a big sister and also a caregiver to him. And that was the greatest challenge of my life. But, I think because now I knew God, and I'm in a relationship with him, I knew that he was in control of everything that we were going through. Both at home and everything that I was going through in my life. I still saw his faithfulness even in that. Although it was difficult. It was a tough situation.

Life Has to Continue

I trusted God that he would give me wisdom around what to do in that situation. OK. I want to go and study at GWC (George Whitefield College). I am working - I am earning, like, good money. But at the same time, my desires, as they were changing... I was drawn more towards going to college and to ministry. So the plan now was to make sure that my brother gets a place where they will take good care of him. 24 / 7. Because he has his own life. I have my own life. And life has to continue!

Making Tough Decisions

I decided now to find a home for him and that was hard as well. To find a proper place for him. But eventually God provided the right place for him. Where he... where they took him. So its a home for the handicapped in KZN. So they took him there and I love the place, because it's well taken care of. And I think it gave me peace that at least he is in a good environment where they will take care of him. Although it was hard! I mean, to let go. After spending so many years with him. But I am grateful to God that he provided the right place for him.

Trusting God all the Way

So now I had to continue with my life. Now the journey begins. I had to resign from my job and pursue college or ministry. All that meant that I was going to just rely on God. Trust Him all the way. I am not working, I'm not getting any money, as in no job anymore. I just wanna go and study. So I've seen God's faithfulness in that. So, he carried me through. I went to GWC. I went to study. You can trust Him that your life is in His hands. And when he said in his word he will never leave us nor forsake us he means it! He is your father and he has your back in everything that you might be going through. So you can trust him!


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