TF2: The Buttpan Cometh

Описание к видео TF2: The Buttpan Cometh

So one day I was just relaxing enjoying my day having a nice pecan pie with a side of oranges. When suddenly a brick flies through my window and knocks down my plate of oranges. It had a note on it with a link to this video

   • Meet The Buttpan  

and scribbled on the other side were the words "make butt on pan" written in red crayon and reeked of maple syrup and tomato sauce.

So I cleaned up my floor of citrus based mess and got on my computer and made this.

Whoever this "rigaudio" is, he knows my weakness: I'll always listen to a brick.


Song is Mumbo's Mountain from Banjo Kazooie
Buttpan sounds by
   / rigaudio  


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