Women empowerment | part 1 | marriages problems | protect your daughtes | iftikhar Ahmad usmani|

Описание к видео Women empowerment | part 1 | marriages problems | protect your daughtes | iftikhar Ahmad usmani|

#explore #toxic #toxicrelationships

This is the story of a beautiful girl named Farwa who got the rank of Doctor of Pharmacy, Farwa's father was an officer and Farwa's mother was a woman who wanted to get her daughter married as soon as possible. A lawyer came for him. The boy's name was Zaid and he was a BA.

Zayd's father was a big cloth merchant and Zayd managed his father's business, he had a big house and cars, Fara's father was happy that he was related to such a rich family, Fara's father married Fara without investigation. On the first night, Farwa's mother-in-law insulted Farwa so much that she did not get the wedding meal.

On the first night Farwa's husband Zayd threatened Farwa that if Farwa disobeyed any order of his parents or disobeyed my order, he would divorce her.

Farwa quietly listened to all the orders, the next day when Farwa's family reached the wedding hall at the time written on the card, there was no one there, Farwa's father called Zaid's father Zahid and complained that we did not attend the feast on time. Arrived but you have not yet arrived as a host

Zahid said that this phone call was very bad and disrespected Farwa's parents.

Farwa thought that after some time, her husband's attitude would be fine and the in-laws would become my friends, but it didn't happen, Farwa's husband used to taunt her for being poor and said that you are poor, you have no respect.

One day Farwa's husband slapped her on the face for a trivial matter, when Farwa complained to her parents, Farwa's parents said that you should apologize to your husband because now he is your destiny.

The abuses of Farwa's in-laws increased, when Farwa complained to her parents about her husband, her parents advised her to remain silent.

Farwa continued to suffer cruelty in her in-laws, one day she found out that Farwa was going to become a mother.

To be continued


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