#86: PNSO 2020 Spinosaurus (Essien) Review

Описание к видео #86: PNSO 2020 Spinosaurus (Essien) Review

It’s been one wild exciting ride for Spinosaurus! From its earliest discovery, to its irreplaceable loss from the ravages of war, to its renaissance that seemingly began from Jurassic Part III to Dr Nizar Ibrahim’s 2014 paper, and then with another bombshell this year in 2020.

I’ve followed the arguments, counterarguments, theories, countertheories, proposals, counterproposals for the longest time and yet, I’ve actually never done a Spinosaurus review! Well, what more auspicious way to start than with this, PNSO’s amazing 2020 revised Spinosaurus. How well will it stand up to scrutiny against the latest scientific evidence? I attempt to find out!


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