"FOO" CrossFit Hero WOD - 6+85 Rx [Full WOD + Commentary]

Описание к видео "FOO" CrossFit Hero WOD - 6+85 Rx [Full WOD + Commentary]

"FOO": https://wodwell.com/wod/foo/ (6+85 Rx)
SUBSCRIBE: https://wodwell.co/yt_sub

“FOO” is a CrossFit Hero WOD, named for Gary “Foo” Morales, that was originally posted on the CrossFit main site as the workout of the day for Sunday, January 3, 2015. Be and Nia selected the the workout for this shoot from back in November 2015. The workout played both to Nia’s strengths (barbell) as well as Bre’s (bodyweight), but it turns out much more of the workout is double-unders, sit-ups and chest-to-bar pull-ups than is bench press and squat clean thrusters (aka: clusters)…so it ended up favoring Bre, who was only really slowed down by the 2 clusters each round.

This workout was filmed in 2015, and being published in 2017 because we lost the footage, then recovered it almost 18 months after the shoot!

AMRAP in 20 minutes
7 Chest-To-Bar Pull-Ups
77 Double-Unders
2 Squat Clean Thrusters (170/125 lb)
28 Sit-Ups

Buy in: 13 Bench Presses (170/125 lb)

Breanne Feudale: https://games.crossfit.com/athlete/2564
Nia Relate-Galarza: https://games.crossfit.com/athlete/24...

Homegrown CrossFit - San Carlos, CA

WODwell’s (http://wodwell.com) mission is “to create, curate, and organize videos that help athletes improve their performance on CrossFit benchmark WODs and increase their fitness.”

We make video demos for benchmark/named CrossFit WODs (workouts of the day) and collect the best demo videos made by others - to help functional athletes understand each workout, develop a strategy, and ultimately improve their fitness.


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