On the Shoulders of Giants - Dr John Bradley and Dr. Regnal Jones

Описание к видео On the Shoulders of Giants - Dr John Bradley and Dr. Regnal Jones

This documentary has been a decade in the making. I Am Abel Foundation wanted to tell the story of the most powerful pipeline to medicine for underrepresented students in our nation's history. The Twin Towers, Dr. John Bradley and Dr. Regnal Jones, started the CAHMCP (pronounced CHAMPS) In 1980. Their pioneering work and huge hearts are the reasons thousands of physicians from the Chicago inner city are serving underserved communities today. This short film is dedicated to the memory of the late great Dr. Regnal Jones and to the work that Dr. John Bradley still continues to do even at almost 90 years old. I Am Abel Foundation firmly believes that you can not move forward without taking a moment to say "thank you" to those whose shoulders we are standing on. There is truly no I Am Abel Foundation without Dr. John Bradley and Dr. Regnal Jones and the CAHMCP


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