Sweet Potato Glutinous Rice Balls Recipe - របៀបធ្វើបង្អែមនំអ៊ីដំឡូងជ្វា

Описание к видео Sweet Potato Glutinous Rice Balls Recipe - របៀបធ្វើបង្អែមនំអ៊ីដំឡូងជ្វា

How to make Sweet Potato Glutinous Rice Balls with a special Sugar Syrup with Coconut Milk. This dessert will be your favorite one for sure.
*** Sweet Potato Dough
1lb [450g] Peeled Sweet Potato
1/2cup [70g] Glutinous Rice Flour
1/2cup [70g] Tapioca Starch
3Tbsp - 10Tbsp Water
*** Sugar Syrup with Coconut Milk
2cup [500ml] Coconut Milk
2cup [500ml] Water
1/2tsp Salt
1/2cup [120g] Cane Sugar
3 Pandan Leaves
Coconut Flesh

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