Start your move to the USA | 5 things you can do RIGHT NOW | Beginners Guide | You won’t miss the UK

Описание к видео Start your move to the USA | 5 things you can do RIGHT NOW | Beginners Guide | You won’t miss the UK

Have you ever thought about a move to the USA? But do not know where to start?

Here are 5 beginners tips to get that move to the USA started

We get a lot of messages of where to begin, and so we have decided to do an updated series, now we have lived here for 2 years. Covering:

- Where to start, the basics
- How did we get here and would have done anything different
- What advice we would give to others wanting to move

In this first video lets start with the 5 things to get you on you way.


2. Finances

a. Does your country have a tax treaty with the US
b. If you continue to earn money in your home country you may need to file taxes in both countries
c. Does the state you are thinking about have State Income taxes
2. Banking – You will need to hold bank in both countries
3. Will you need to transfer money back and forth?
a. TransferWise vs your Bank

3. Criminal Record
Basically, don’t have 1. If you do the process for application can be very protracted. You will need likely need to consult your immigration attorney

4. Healthcare needs
Research healthcare options. The US can be overwhelming with how they run healthcare and their a lots of misconceptions and assumptions (I know as I had a lot)
You will really want to look into the best options and this varies state-by-state and by programs available to you. Especially if you have a chronic illness. If successful in the move, you will need to manage the transition period of moving your healthcare needs from the UK to a new provider here. Stock up on meds needed.

5. Preparation
There is plenty you can do ahead of time:
1. Consult and immigration attorney
2. Consult a tax attorney
3. Get you documentation in order: Passports, Birth Certificate, Medical record, parental details, education background
4. Research Driving License options
5. Research where you might want to live (if you have that freedom)
6. Research moving options
Hopefully you have enjoyed this video and it helps you on your own journey to the USA. Our next video is how we personally moved to the USA with some helpful tips and tricks, having been here for 2 years now.

Moving (Tips)
Destress the move
Start getting everything ready ahead of time
Declutter, sell, give away
Consult an international moving company

Start your move to the USA | 5 things you can do RIGHT NOW | Beginners Guide | You won’t miss the UK

5 Tips To start your move to America (USA) | Beginners Guide | Move from UK to USA


How to move to the USA | 5 Easy Tips | Beginners Guide Series

MOVING TO THE USA | 5 EASY TIPS TO GET YOU STARTED | BEGINNERS GUIDE,how to move to america,how to move to usa,how to start a move to usa,how to move to usa from uk,how to move to usa from europe,how to move to america from uk permanently

5 Tips To start your move to America (USA) | Beginners Guide

Start your move to the USA | 5 things you can do RIGHT NOW | Beginners Guide


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