A Faint Moonlight Glimmer [PART 2]

Описание к видео A Faint Moonlight Glimmer [PART 2]

A Faint Moonlight Glimmer is an album inspired of "An Empty Bliss Beyond This World" that explores how memories and emotions are affected by Childhood Dementia in the middle stages (CS4 - CS5) in three "Parts." Join me as we go through this harrowing journey.

- [CS4 - CS5] Part 2 -

- Part 2 Section 1 [LATE CS4] -

- Tracks 09 - 13 -

- Info: Short term memory has been compromised, if it even still exists. Memories continue to tangle as coherency becomes a thing of the past. Awareness also begins to die down, but they are still aware. The are the last moments of strongly held awareness before we enter the years of post-awareness. -

- Part 2 Section 2 [VERY EARLY CS5] -

- Tracks 14 - 18 -

- Info: The unfortunate child had fallen deeper into childhood dementia. Awareness is still slightly here but looser as we fall into post awareness. These are the last moments before post awareness fully begins. -


- Track 19 -

- Info: This is it. Awareness is over as we enter part 3. There is no return. The patient has fallen into a new world, confusions are overpowering as memories are garbled together, creating an abomination. -

- Track List -

- Section 1 -

00:00 09. Failed Recall
02:36 10. Broken, Deluded, and Lost
05:26 11. A Faint Moonlight Glimmer (Shattered Beyond Recognition)
07:33 12. Pitfall I (Increasing Confusion)
11:18 13. Lucidity Stolen

- Section 2 -

14:18 14. Pitfall II (Losing Awareness)
16:33 15. Malacosis
19:56 16. Broken Fallen Memories
22:19 17. Broken Days Abyss
29:30 18. A Faint Moonlight Glimmer (Remember Me)

- Finale -

31:56 19. Pitfall III (The Point of No Return)

- End Part 2 -

- Bandcamp: https://theobserver3.bandcamp.com/alb... -


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