De-Bushing in Namibia - WESTTECH Woodcracker C

Описание к видео De-Bushing in Namibia - WESTTECH Woodcracker C

Woodcracker C - supporting the national de-bushing programm.

Namibia has established a national de-bushing programm which supports the large-scale expansion of effective activities to fight bush encroachment. The programm is supported by public- and private-sector stakeholders.

In order to use the bush biomass in economically viable and environmentally sustainable ways, it is important to identify and develop opportunities for adding value to the biomass. Programm activities will focus on support measures, and on efforts to create an enabling environment. Key approaches at the programm level include:

- developing strategies for the profitable use of biomass for electricity generation as well as in agricultural and industrial value chains
- enhancing know-how and institutional capacities for the successful development of the national de-bushing programm
- improving the legal and institutional framework for large-scale bush clearance programms. (Source:

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