Command Block Tutorial #63: Life Stealing Sword Commands in Minecraft (1.16+)

Описание к видео Command Block Tutorial #63: Life Stealing Sword Commands in Minecraft (1.16+)

In this video I will show how to give yourself a special sword that can drain other player's and/or mobs health to heal your own.

Lightning Rod Command:    • Command Block Tutorial #59: Lightning...  


1. Command Text or in Impulse Command Block: /scoreboard objectives add playerHit minecraft.custom:minecraft.damage_dealt

2. Command Text or in Impulse Command Block: /scoreboard players add @a playerHit 1

3. Impulse Command Block: /give @p minecraft:diamond_sword{display:{Name:"[{\"text\":\"Life Stealing Sword\",\"color\":\"green\",\"italic\":false}]",Lore:["{\"text\":\"Kill to Heal Yourself\",\"color\":\"gray\",\"italic\":false}"]},Unbreakable:1,HideFlags:7,Enchantments:[{id:vanishing_curse,lvl:1}]}

4. Repeating Command Block: /execute at @a[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:diamond_sword",Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:"[{\"text\":\"Life Stealing Sword\",\"color\":\"green\",\"italic\":false}]",Lore:["{\"text\":\"Kill to Heal Yourself\",\"color\":\"gray\",\"italic\":false}"]}}}}] run execute at @a[scores={playerHit=1..}] run execute at @e[nbt={HurtTime:10s}] run execute at @a[scores={playerHit=1..}] run execute at @a[scores={playerHit=1..}] run effect give @a minecraft:regeneration 2 5 true

5. Chain Command Block: /scoreboard players reset @a[scores={playerHit=1..}] playerHit

Music from Gaming Sound FX:

1. Monkeys Spinning Monkeys (Kevin MacLeod) - Gaming Background Music (HD):

2. Hitman (Kevin McLeod) - Vanoss Gaming Background Music (HD):


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