NS 55: Evolution of our Rifles

Описание к видео NS 55: Evolution of our Rifles

Meet every Singaporean son's first "wife" – the Singapore Assault Rifle - 21st Century (SAR-21), and our previous generation's M-16 Rifle!

In this week’s 55 Years of National Service (NS55) Feature, we see the evolution from the M-16 Rifle to our current service rifle, the SAR-21. Join First Warrant Officer (1WO) Azwandi, Chief Trainer of Specialist and Warrant Officer Advanced School (SWAS) and Staff Sergeant (SSG) Kemas, Assistant Platoon Trainer from the Infantry Training Institute as they battle it out in a stripping and assembly contest on the M-16 Rifle and SAR-21!

Link in the comments below for more information on the M-16 and SAR-21!


✍️ : PTE Teo Ze Xuan (Army News)
💻 : LCP Isaac Wong (Army News)
📹 : LCP Isaac Wong and PTE Teo Ze Xuan (Army News)


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