Elena/Mateo Diego/Carmen - Running Back To You

Описание к видео Elena/Mateo Diego/Carmen - Running Back To You

Elena is pressured into a political marriage by the council. At the engagement party on Navidad Mateo confronts her about the choice because they both tried to fight the council together before. Elena is as heartbroken as he is and tries to reasure her Royal Wizard that he will always be an important part of her life.
But he cannot help but remember the hope he felt for their relationship a year ago and knows that he should stay away but gets bitter.
Elena still comes to Mateo for their evening chats but he drives her away, afraid that he could not let go otherwise. Elena feels torn between her duty and her heart and confesses how much she has loved Mateo, waiting for him while he was waiting for her.
When she sees Mateo and Carla kissing, she feels shocked and heartbroken, not because she thinks that Mateo doesn't love her anymore but because she now knows what it feels like to be kissed against your will.
At night she tries to talk to Mateo again and he immideately reassures her that he has no feelings for Carla. Elena knows and the dam breaks as they hug and spend the rest of the night talking and cuddling again.
The next morning Diego finds them together and feels hurt and angry because he did not want the marriage either and has fallen in love with Carmen.
Elena and Mateo become matchmakers for Diego and Carla and when Diego declares his proposal to Carmen, he gets the Avaloran alliance that his father wanted.


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