BBC Choral Evensong: Carlisle Cathedral 1982 (Andrew Seivewright)

Описание к видео BBC Choral Evensong: Carlisle Cathedral 1982 (Andrew Seivewright)

Recorded service from Carlisle Cathedral, broadcast on BBC radio on Ascension Day (21 May) 1982. With the cathedral choir, directed by Andrew Seivewright and accompanied by Hugh Davies (assistant organist).

Unfortunately, on this recording the organ voluntary fades out towards the end.

Introit: Ascension Hymn (Johann Schicht)
Responses: William Smith
First Lesson: Numbers 14, vv 1-21 (NEB)
Second Lesson: Luke 6, vv l-6
Canticles: Evening Service in D (George Dyson)
Anthem: God is gone up (Gerald Finzi)
Hymn: Rejoice, the Lord is King (“Gopsal”)
Voluntary: Transports de joie (Olivier Messiaen)


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