PLEASE LIKE and SUBCRIBE. Thank you! 👌🏻😊 LINKS to the RT-860 on Amazon and the 29 inch collapsible whip (for LW.MW/SW or AIRBAND) are below. [UPDATE: Further testing revealed a significant amount of INTERNAL NOISE when using the WHIP, especially on the LOWER FREQUENCIES like 40 and 80M. This is no surprise. RADTEL will need to engineer some specific changes to this radio designed to minimize or, hopefully, eliminate the internal noise. NOTE: The internal noise level drops significantly on most bands when using an EXTERNAL antenna ]
This is a quick, preliminary review of the Radel RT-860 currently selling on Amazon for $50. It is amazing what it can do for that price but this early production unit I received does have some issues that need to be resolved [see note on internal noise]. I will contact the factory soon with the hope they can correct these mostly minor problems before the next production run.
My intention is to do a full review of this radio once the issues have been fixed. For now, this radio is basically a novelty. In time, with refinements, it could become a great value with great features for the money.
Yes, IF you can accept the limitations and flaws. The RT-860 is very usable and fun but can't, at the $50 price point, be as good as more expensive radios designed for hams and SWLs. It is, however, a lot of radio for the money, especially for hams that can use it on 2m/220/440 mHz on repeaters and simplex
Enjoy! Dan...
(AIRBAND NOTE): If you buy one of the collapsible whips and want to use it on the AIRBAND, you will also need an SMA male to SMA female adaptor to attach the whip to the VHF/UHF antenna jack. Just pull it out to about 24 inches (61cm) and you have a great AIRBAND antenna. You can also buy a flexible antenna for the AIRBAND from Radtel. Here's the Amazon link:
Collapsible whip with SMA on Amazon:
Radel RT-860 on Amazon:
(LIGHTING NOTE: The lighting in this video is set at lower level to optimize viewing of the HT screen.)
FRIENDLY REMINDER! Unless you MUST have an amateur radio license you may NOT TRANSMIT or TALK on this radio, ONLY LISTEN/RECEIVE. That includes the GMRS, FRS, Marine and other bands.
#Radtel, #RT-860, #Walkie-talkie, #HT, #handheld radio, #Quangsheng, #shortwave, #airband, #radio, #SWL, #shortwave, #ham radio, #amateur radio, #SSB, #CW, #AM radio, #receiver, #single sideband, #morse code
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