(Miniature) Cooking Eel in Primitive Mud - Egg Drop Experiment Catching Eel Fish with Mini Yummy

Описание к видео (Miniature) Cooking Eel in Primitive Mud - Egg Drop Experiment Catching Eel Fish with Mini Yummy

(Miniature) Cooking Eel in Primitive Mud - Egg Drop Experiment Catching Eel Fish with Mini Yummy

Hello! I'm Clover and I love to cooking in my miniature kitchen. In this video I will show you how to catch and make grilled eel in mini kitchen. I'm catching it using egg and cooking it under mud. Hope you will like my mini cooking video and have fun time! Do you like this video, please let me know! Thank you for watching!
Timestamps below to jump to part that interest you :
0:00 | Cooking Eel in Primitive Mud
4:52 | Tasty Miniature Shrimp Dim Sum Recipe Idea 🦐 Mini Yummy Cooking Delicious Lobster Dumplings
9:29 | Cooking in Miniature Kitchen with Mini Yummy - Make Spicy Squid Curry Best Recipe (ASMR)

🥂 Cheers
Ingredients I used to make delicious miniature shrimp curry at home:
Eel, Salt, Lime, Unagi sauce, rice, water, shrimps, egg, salt and some seasoning.

I Love Food, Food and Food and Miniature and Cooking and ASMR. So I create this channel to share my video cooking DELICIOUS FOOD in my MINIATURE KITCHEN with you.
Let's watch and tell me why you LOVE my video ma friends !
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