dynamic type casting in java

Описание к видео dynamic type casting in java

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dynamic type casting in java is a concept that allows you to convert an object of one type into another type during runtime. this is particularly useful when dealing with inheritance and polymorphism, where you may have a reference of a superclass pointing to an object of a subclass.

key concepts

1. **inheritance**: in java, classes can inherit from other classes, allowing for a hierarchy of types.
2. **polymorphism**: this allows methods to do different things based on the object it is acting upon, even though they share the same interface.
3. **casting**: this is the process of converting one type to another. in java, casting can either be static (compile-time) or dynamic (runtime).

dynamic casting

dynamic casting is performed using the cast operator, and it is primarily used when you want to access subclass-specific methods or fields from a superclass reference. when casting dynamically, it’s essential to ensure that the object being cast is indeed an instance of the target class to avoid a `classcastexception`.


let's look at a practical example to illustrate dynamic type casting.

explanation of the code

1. **animal class**: this is the superclass with a method `sound()`.
2. **dog class**: this subclass overrides the `sound()` method and introduces a new method `fetch()`.
3. **cat class**: this subclass also overrides the `sound()` method and introduces a new method `scratch()`.
4. **upcasting**: when you assign a `dog` or `cat` object to an `animal` reference, this is called upcasting. it’s safe and does not require an explicit cast.
5. **dynamic type casting**:
the `instanceof` operator is used to check if the `animal` reference is actually an instance of the subclass before casting.
if the check passes, you can safely downcast the reference to the subclass type to access its specific methods.

important points

**safety**: always use `instanceof` before downcasting to avoid `classcastexception`.
**polymorphism**: the metho ...

#DynamicTypeCasting #JavaProgramming #TypeCasting

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