Cell Phone Signal Booster Home Installation - Wilson Amplifiers

Описание к видео Cell Phone Signal Booster Home Installation - Wilson Amplifiers

Home installation video of cell phone signal booster from wilsonamplifiers.com.

Installing your signal booster is a quick and easy process. In this short video, we’ll show you how to install your booster.

In just four steps, you’ll be boosting 3G and/or 4G signals in a home, office or building. Remember if you have any questions during installation please call our support team.

And before you start make sure not to plug in the power supply until the very last step.

Now lets say good-bye to low bars and poor reception.

The first thing you need to do is determine the best placement for the outside antenna

The goal here is to point your yagi antenna in the direction of the strongest signal.

You can also visit www.wilsonamplifiers.com/cell-towers for tips to help you find the nearest cell tower

You can also walk around your home to determine where the signal is strongest

It’s time to install the outside antenna to the roof or the outside wall

Generally the higher your antenna the better it can pull in signal

Now connect the cable to the antenna and run the cable into your home

Connect the cable from the outside antenna to the amplifier

To protect your amplifier from lightning strikes and power surges we recommend getting a lightning surge protector

It goes between the outside antenna and the amplifier

Should lightning strike your outside antenna, the surge protector will protect your amplifier and inside antenna from dangerous power surges.

Third and most importantly place the inside antenna to an area where you need the best signal

You may have to move it later on to a different location for better performance so don’t finalize anything yet

Now connect the cable form the inside antenna to the amplifier

There should some distance between both antennas about 20 ft vertically or 50 ft horizontally

And we don’t want the two antennas to interfere with each other.

And finally plug the power adapter to the amplifier and to a power strip with a minimum 1,000-joule rating

Now turn on your signal booster, wait for a few seconds and you’re done.

Greens means go. It’s just that easy.

Now you got more bars and better signal!

A solid green light means the amplifier is working perfectly.

A solid orange light means the outside antenna is too close to the cell tower. Move the outside antenna to fix this.

A solid red light means the two antennas are too closed to each other. Move the inside antenna to fix this.

A blinking green and orange light means the amplifier is working but with reduced coverage so move the outside antenna

A blinking green and red light means the amplifier is also working but at reduced power so move the inside antenna

Turn off the power. Wait for a few seconds. Then turn it back on. Keep doing this until the lights are solid green.

For more detailed information please refer to the manual. And for more support our US based customer support is ready to help with any issues.

Remember your purchase is backed by a 30-day money back guarantee, 2-year manufacturer’s warranty, and lifetime technical support.

Whether for convenience, business, or emergency, a cell phone signal booster gives you a connection when you need it most.

WilsonAmplifiers.com Get the Cell Phone Signal You Deserve!


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