How to Stop Water from Entering your Basement with DRYLOK® Masonry Waterproofer

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So, let’s say you have an unfinished basement and you want to turn it into usable, livable space. But you have one serious problem and that problem is this water, more specifically water seepage, from the outside coming in and it’s wetting everything. Well, there is a simple solution to that and it’s a solution that you can complete in a weekend. This is what it is, DRYLOK® Masonry Waterproofer, now it’s so easy to put on and again you can put it on in a weekend.
It works on cement block walls just like this and all types of masonry; before you do it though you need to make this simple test. Take a 12” x 12” piece of aluminum foil tightly on all four edges to an interior basement wall. Remove it after several days, when you check the test and it you find that you have water on the inside the foil or on the wall side like this you have seepage water coming through from the outside, you need DRYLOK®. If you have water on the inside of the foil then you have condensation, by the way, both of these problems can occur at the same time. If you do have condensation then you need to run a dehumidifier in that room.
Now we’re going to go outside and check for drainage problems that might create this problem. Check for leaking gutters and downspouts, blocked drainage pipes or improper grading that directs ground water runoff toward your foundation, now I’ll prepare the surface to be waterproofed by removing any loose mortar, dust and dirt with a wire brush. Now a good tip before using a patching product is to wet the area where you are going to be working, fill any holes and cracks with a fast setting hydraulic cement like DRYLOK® Fast Plug. Be sure to seal the floor and wall joint which are often overlooked as a source for water seepage with all products read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
The worst enemy of waterproofing products is this, it’s called efflorescence and it appears as a white powdery residue on the surface. It comes from natural occurring salt that is already in the masonry and makes its way to the surface, but we need to get rid of all this before we do any waterproofing. To get it off use muriatic acid or DRYLOK® Etch, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Be sure to follow the warning labels since you are using an acid, rinse thoroughly and allow to dry.
Ok, now we are ready to waterproof and now to do this, you’ll want to use a good quality synthetic bristle paintbrush. You’ll take the DRYLOK®, it’s not like putting on paint you need to really work this into the pores of the block. So rather than brushing on like paint, you’ll want to brush back and forth getting all these pores and fill them in really good. DRYLOK® works by penetrating the surface pores, it fills them, expands as it dries and becomes part of the wall to form a tough waterproof barrier that’s guaranteed to stop water, even under pressure. So I don’t want to leave any pinholes open or spread it too thin. That’s all there is to it, after 24 hours apply a second coat with either a brush or roller. So you see there really is no reason that you have to live with a drab, wet basement.


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