Michael Collins Funeral from "The Shadow of Beal na Bláth"

Описание к видео Michael Collins Funeral from "The Shadow of Beal na Bláth"

Why do I shed a tear when I look at this. Am I being over sentimental or Is it the Tragic death of he who could be called "Ireland's Greatest Hero". Maybe the tears fall for the lost possibilities for our country. Or for a time when this man put his country first , just like many others. Ireland's Great lose. Don't think we will see his like again. I don't think there is anyone around today any where near his ability. God Help Ireland!
This Clip is from a RTE documentary "The Shadow of BealnaBláth" 1988 the looked at the murder of Michael Collins and comes up with a name for the person that pulled the trigger.
The song at the end is "The Shadow" sung by Mary Black


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