Before You Were Born

Описание к видео Before You Were Born

Before You Were Born.

Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

You didn’t show up because your mother and father decided to have a baby. It wasn’t a random coincidence that they got together. Sometimes when a pregnancy is not planned, we say this baby was a surprise.

You may have been a surprise to your parents, but you are not a surprise to our God. As was true for Jeremiah, He’s been thinking about you from eternity, and He has an appointed purpose for which He has set you apart.

He has written the script, and there will be moments of favor and blessing that will come to you. Your purpose will come tracking you down.

In Jeremiah’s life, he couldn’t possibly become a prophet to the nations on his own. He couldn’t earn it, work for it, or put out flyers that said, “Hey, vote for me to be a prophet.” Who he became was a reflection of the sovereignty of God.

In your life, He will override every force, every limitation, every disadvantage, and every bad decision that tries to stop you, and He will thrust you into your destiny.


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