Motor Capacitors

Описание к видео Motor Capacitors

Capacitors are electronic components that store electrical energy. Two terminals connect to two metal plates that are separated by an electrically insulating material, called a dielectric. The amount of energy it can store is called its capacitance, which is measured in microfarads. Microfarads are abbreviated and listed as uF, or as mfd.

Motor capacitors come in 3 types: Start, Run, and Dual Run. These motor capacitors are used in single-phase induction motors.

Start capacitors briefly increase motor starting torque and allow a motor to be rapidly cycled on and off. They are designed to be used for only a fraction of a second. They quickly get the motor shaft turning, and are then automatically disconnected from the motor circuit.

Start capacitors tend to be round with a black plastic housing. When selecting a replacement, make sure that the voltage rating is at or above what the motor calls for, and the microfarad rating of the motor falls within the range listed on the new capacitor.

Run capacitors provide constant voltage and electrical current adjustment to a motor’s windings in order to optimize torque and efficiency. They’re designed for continuous duty and stay in use as long as the motor is turned on.

Run capacitors tend to have a metal housing, and can be round or oval. The shape does not affect their operation, so oval or round can be used interchangeably as long as they fit in the space they are being installed. When replacing, make sure the voltage rating meets or exceeds what is listed for the motor, and that the microfarad rating matches what the motor requires.

Dual Run capacitors are often used in air conditioning condensers. They’re two run capacitors combined into a single case, giving it the ability to support both the condenser fan motor and compressor. They will have two microfarad ratings, for example 35/5 or 60/10.

Dual Run capacitors look similar to standard run capacitors, however while a standard capacitor will have two banks of terminals, a dual capacitor will have three. They can be round or oval. When selecting a replacement, the voltage must meet or exceed what is required by the motors, and the microfarad ratings should match what is required by both the fan motor and compressor.


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