KotOR 1 - I am Heavy Weapons Man

Описание к видео KotOR 1 - I am Heavy Weapons Man

Here's the build I'll just focus on the important parts:


8/11 Soldier/Guardian

Main Attribute: Dexterity

Implant: I think it's called the Advanced Combat Implant. Basically gives me all the ranged Weapon specialization feats. I would've used whatever implant that gives me the most dexterity, but I messed up the build early by picking master toughness instead of Heavy Weapon specialist as Soldier

Mask: Sith Mask

Armor: Clothing

Weapon: Fully upgraded Bawagwin Heavy Repeating Blaster

Feats: Master Toughness, Heavy Weapon Specialization

Powers: Master Speed, Master Valor, Improved Energy Resistance

AI Script: Jedi/Support


Attribute: Wisdom

Feats: Master Toughness

Force Powers: All of the AoE CC abilities, Master Valor

AI Script: Jedi Support


Attribute: Dexterity

Armor: Fully Upgraded Bandon Armor

Weapon: Fully upgraded Cassus Fett Pistol and Sith Assassin Pistol (Taken from Saul)

Feats: Improved Two-Handed, Master Rapid Shot

AI Script: Support


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