Friday Fitness Answer: Tactical Fitness Over 40 Series & Seasonal Tactical Fitness Periodization

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Stew Smith ( discusses Tactical Fitness Over 40 Series and Seasonal Tactical Fitness Periodization. Are you tired of training in constant pain and barely able to do what you did in your twenties? Check out the Tactical Fitness 40+ Series below:

In a world where fitness can be the difference of life and death, we will be older for a longer period than we are younger. Learning how to progress into those decades smartly with added longevity training - typically in the form of active recovery days and mobility days- will increase your abilities and decrease your pain. The following Tactical Fitness 40+ series is new programming focused on an often neglected group of active duty and retired veterans of the tactical professions who need to rebuild and take their fitness to the next level in order to enjoy the latter half of their lives:

Tactical Fitness (40+) Foundation Rebuilding (Part 1) - Recovery from Injury or Inactivity (Part 1). This new beginner plan forces you to "treat yourself like a beginner." Even if you do not feel like it, giving yourself a few weeks to easily work your way back into the weight room or any fitness program will pay off and help you rebuild after a long period of inactivity.

Tactical Fitness (40+) - Taking It To The Next Level (Part 2) - Are you ready to advance your fitness level? Well, Taking It To The Next Level after Rebuilding the Foundation (Part 1) is what this 12 week program is all about. Are you Ready to Advance Your Fitness? Progressing into more of an intermediate program with this book will be a steady increase of activity to include running (every other day), adding weights to calisthenics, and other non-impact cardio options.

Tactical Fitness (40+) - Ready to Compete - (Part 3) (Intermediate / Advanced levels) – After you have progressed through the previous phases, you may be ready for something new. Maybe a new challenge or “up your game” to a level that pushes you physically, but also focuses on stress relief and recovery after tough workouts. This program is a great prep for any of the Tactical Fitness, Tactical Strength or Tactical Fitness for the Athlete Over 40 advanced level programs.

Tactical Fitness For The Athlete Over 40 (part 4) Actively Pursuing Recovery and Maintenance - This is part 4 of the above series that is rather advanced but still focused on adding in an easy day and / or mobility day to the week as a way to recover in the middle of the week. This will enable for a better workout number 4,5, or 6 as the week moves into the weekend. Running every OTHER day with non-impact cardio will reduce stress on the knees. Use of non-impact cardio and swimming pool for mobility is helpful as well.
Or Get all four books in a single purchase using the Combo link and save money:

Check out other videos of combat swimmer stroke, workouts, and other spec ops related training. See for more information about military, law enforcement, special ops, fire fighting training programs.


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