Strategies for Success - Federal Cloud Security in Action

Описание к видео Strategies for Success - Federal Cloud Security in Action

Recognizing the pivotal role of cloud security in safeguarding our federal networks, as outlined in Executive Order 14028, 'Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity,' federal IT leaders are actively pursuing avenues to enhance the security posture of their cloud environments. Key organizations such as CISA and the GSA FedRAMP office serve as invaluable resources, offering essential guidance on crafting a robust federal cloud security strategy and establishing an effective cloud service governance framework. However, the challenge remains for leaders to ensure comprehensive integration of cybersecurity standards across all levels of an agency's operations. How can leaders ensure that cybersecurity remains a central consideration in every aspect of an agency's operations? Furthermore, how are these leaders utilizing the authority of the Executive Order to drive the adoption of enhanced standards, such as multi factor authentication and encryption for data protection?

Paul Blahusch
Chief Information Security Officer
Department of Labor

Keith Busby
Acting Chief Information Security Officer
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Matthew Gonzalez
Security Operation Chief, NTIA
Department of Commerce

Nayeem Islam
VP, Product Management for Cloud Security

George Jackson
VP, Events

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