armand & daniel | oxytocin.

Описание к видео armand & daniel | oxytocin.

watch in 720p + headphones : )

making this edit with all the PARALLELS and IMPLICATIONS was literally just me murmuring "....which could mean nothing..." to myself for the two days i spent in a devil's minion hole

(let me not kid myself, i've been able to think of little else besides these two since 2x05 aired)

and i didn't even get to include everything i wanted to! like daniel being loumand's pseudo claudia, or the few times armand referred to daniel by his first name, or so many of their bitchy remarks to each other; taking fifteen minutes of content and trying to condense it into a four minute song thoroughly kicked my ass. next time i vid these two ima make it eight minutes long and the track is gonna be an instrumental bc. i'm tired.

(not sure if i'm an armand is alice truther but i'm DEF a ~the lines between armand and alice are blurred~ truther and those scenes are delicious and heavy w subtext and tension so they deserved to be included. the rest, well. speaks for itself, really.)

cheers to season 3 and the emotional toll it'll inflict on us all!

@syd-carm : )


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