Tasmania's North West Coast, ep 82

Описание к видео Tasmania's North West Coast, ep 82

ROCKY CAPE, that's where the video starts,I forgot to put text on where it is.
An incredible coast line on the North West Coast of Tasmania.
I was blessed with great weather here.It seems that the coast is covered in an orange algea on the rocks which makes for interesting footage
So from Rocky Cape I head to Table Cape which has a massive Tulip farm However they were finished with Tulips by the time I went through.
On to Stanley,this is such an interesting location, Penguins are seen here at night,and 'THE NUT' is the distinctive formation right there towering over Stanley, and yes I did take the steep path to the top for some spectacular views of the coast.
So what a great time I had here,looking forward to the rest of Tasmania.
Thanks for joining me enjoy Bill
Music by www.epidemicsound.com


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