Home Assistant How To - public DNS IP tracking sensor

Описание к видео Home Assistant How To - public DNS IP tracking sensor

DNS IP integration allows you to track your external IP address and get notification on IP change, or to track any domain name for IP change.

00:00 Intro

Integration works in two modes - tracking current network external/public IP address or looking for public IP address change for any domain name.

00:49 Creating integration
Integration has to be configured in sensor.yaml file or under sensors: section inside your configuration.yaml file. I will be using sensor.yaml file in this example

01:27 - YAML code - few options you have for this integration

to check your current networks public IP address
platform: dnsip
to check any domain name IP address against your choice of DNS server
platform: dnsip
hostname: home-assistant.io
name: hassio
to check public domain against default DNS server (OpenDNS)
platform: dnsip
hostname: beardedtinker.com
name: beardedtinker.com

05:22 Save changes and verify your configuration before restarting Home Assistant.

Your DNS IP integration is now configured and you should see new sensor available in Home Assistant with current public IP address.

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