Spider-Man (PlayStation 2) - All CG and In-Game Cutscenes

Описание к видео Spider-Man (PlayStation 2) - All CG and In-Game Cutscenes

It's been a while since I've uploaded one of these, mostly because I'm half-worried I'll get a copyright strike on them. These are just for fun, however, and there's a CG-only version of this on YouTube already anyway... so here goes nothin'.

I enjoyed this game quite a bit when it first came out. On this recent playthrough, however, it showed its age. The controls are okay once Spidey is in the air, but if you try to change the camera when you're on foot, your movement with the left analog stick isn't... compensated for?

Not sure if that makes sense, but if you play the game and try to move the camera while moving Spidey, you'll see what I mean.

I also appreciate how they tried to incorporate a bunch of different characters from the comic book, but the voice acting (especially Tobey Maguire's) is a little awkward.

By the way, the Easter Egg videos in the game's bonus features (mostly just cutscene tests) are at the 34:14 mark, if you're interested.


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